SIEFLT International seminar

“COMPARING NATIONAL APPROACHES TO HIGHER EDUCATION: RUSSIAN AND FINNISH EXPERIENCE” 13 OCTOBER 2016, SIEFLT 12.40 – 13.00 Registration 13.00 – Opening, greetings of the Rector 13.10 -13.30 –Presentation of the SIEFLT Adel Sultanova, postgraduate student, SIEFLT 13.30 -14.00 – Introduction to Russian system of higher education: pros and cons Dr. Elena Sychenko, SIEFLT 14.00 –14.40 - Main traits of the Finnish educational system Senior lecturer Olli H?m?l?inen, Metropolia University of applied science 14.40 – 15.00 –Russian and Finnish systems, student’s estimation Debate. Students and doctoral students of the SIEFLT and Metropolia University of applied science 15.00 – 16.00 Lunch


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